Friday, August 29, 2008

Arte Acción

This morning we were walking around Copan and we walked into a little store that looked like it had cards and maybe little gifts we could get for our families here. The guy working there told us that the place was started to help local Copaneco kids experience Mayan culture and essentially build community with each other through art and sports. They had all kinds of really cool illustrated stories about animals with a passion for social action. I was pretty excited :D so I got two of them, one is about Bobo Basura (a creature made from trash, hence the last name) who was abused as a child and who doesn´t want people to fight because it only makes everyone sad. Another is called the Trash Fighting Frog. I haven´t read that one yet, but I´m looking forward to sharing them with the kids in La Campa.

If you want to check out their site, it is

1 comment:

Morgan said...

In the DR, or the "dur", as we sometimes call it, I read a story about the little Basura dude! The "girl scouts" group in Buenavista was learning about environmentalism, and the book was more than perfect! I'm picturing you reading these 2 books to the kids you've already come to know, and them just flocking around you as you read!